

Scadrà il 26 Luglio 2016 il termine ultimo per la presentazione di progetti nell’ambito della nona Call del Programma IMI2 di Horizon 2020 – Societal Challenges.


I topic sono:



-IMI2-2016-09-01:”Addressing the clinical burden of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI)…Evaluation of the burden, current practices and set-up of a European research platform”;



-IMI2-2016-09-02:”Development of immune tolerance therapies for the treatment of rheumatic diseases”;



-IMI2-2016-09-03:”Data quality in preclinical research and development”;



-IMI2-2016-09-04:”Next generation of electronic translational safety – NexGETS”;



-IMI2-2016-09-05:”Identification and validation of biomarkers for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and across the spectrum of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)”;



-IMI2-2016-09-06:”Joint influenza vaccine effectiveness studies”.





Una parte del budget sarà sostenuta dalla Commissione Europea tramite Horizon2020, la restante dalle Aziende EFPIA coinvolte nei progetti.


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